dud stage gen

dud stage gen #

Generate stage YAML using the CLI

Synopsis #

Gen generates stage YAML and prints it to standard output.

The output of this command can be redirected to a file and modified further as needed.

dud stage gen [flags] [--] [stage_command]...

Examples #

dud stage gen -o data/ python download_data.py > download.yaml

Options #

  -h, --help              help for gen
  -i, --in strings        one or more input files or directories
  -o, --out strings       one or more output files or directories
  -w, --work-dir string   working directory for the stage's command

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --profile   enable profiling
      --trace     enable tracing
  -v, --verbose   increase output verbosity


  • dud stage - Commands for interacting with stages and the index