dud graph

dud graph #

Print the stage graph in graphviz DOT format

Synopsis #

Graph prints the stage graph in graphviz DOT format.

For each stage file passed in, graph will print the graph of the stage and all upstream stages in Graphviz DOT format. If no stage files are passed in, graph will act on all stages in the index.

You can pipe the output of this command to ‘dot’ from the graphviz package to generate images of the stage graph. Visit https://graphviz.org for more information about Graphviz and for installation instructions.

dud graph [flags] [stage_file]...

Examples #

dud graph | dot -Tpng -o dud.png

Options #

  -h, --help          help for graph
      --stages-only   only show stages; no artifacts

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --profile   enable profiling
      --trace     enable tracing
  -v, --verbose   increase output verbosity