
Benchmarks #

System Information #

OS: Linux 5.18

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7100 CPU @ 3.90GHz

RAM: 16 GB

Go version: 1.18.4

Rclone version: rclone v1.59.0

Dud version: v0.4.0

DVC version: 2.13.0 (pip)

DVC non-default configuration:

Few large files #

This dataset consists of four 1 GB files in a single directory.

checkout #

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
Dud0.023 ± 0.0000.0220.0231.00
DVC0.338 ± 0.0130.3260.35214.92 ± 0.64

commit #

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
Dud0.677 ± 0.0300.6440.7011.00
DVC6.483 ± 0.0126.4716.4959.57 ± 0.42

fetch #

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
Dud11.876 ± 1.79010.70313.9361.53 ± 0.43
DVC7.764 ± 1.8135.7599.2881.00

push #

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
Dud10.755 ± 0.24010.53811.0121.52 ± 0.30
DVC7.082 ± 1.3935.9878.6501.00

status #

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
Dud0.018 ± 0.0060.0110.0221.00
DVC0.298 ± 0.0060.2910.30316.57 ± 5.21

Many small files #

This dataset consists of twenty thousand 100 KB files in a single directory.

checkout #

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
Dud1.262 ± 0.4301.0131.7591.00
DVC9.021 ± 0.0638.9839.0937.15 ± 2.44

commit #

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
Dud1.668 ± 0.0301.6361.6951.00
DVC45.934 ± 5.11740.03549.17127.54 ± 3.11

fetch #

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
Dud7.605 ± 0.0427.5637.6471.00
DVC57.540 ± 2.49856.02960.4227.57 ± 0.33

push #

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
Dud9.896 ± 4.1917.43814.7351.00
DVC44.301 ± 0.24544.07244.5584.48 ± 1.90

status #

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
Dud0.283 ± 0.0120.2700.2951.00
DVC1.575 ± 0.0151.5621.5925.56 ± 0.24